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Showing posts from June, 2009

Mixing business with pleasure...whoever said that was a bad idea-think again!

I am running the final tests on a new product line, 100% Natural Scented Bath Crystals. There are three different perfumes; Rain Forest , with notes of Honey Myrtle, Sweet Marjoram and Antique Patchouli. Garden of Eden with notes of Neroli, White Lavender and Atlas Cedarwood. Temple of Luxor with notes of Coriander, Ginger, Rose and Vanilla. These are all about the experience of bathing in perfume. It is recommended that the mood is set in the bathroom before hand with candles and music. The bath temperature is important too. Have it just right before you add the Crystals. That way none of the precious perfume is wasted before you are ready to step in. I want to tell you of my experience with the first in the line: Rain Forest I didn't have the luxury of having the music or the lighting but the perfume alone was enough to take me to another world. The honey myrtle top note had the effect of being uplifting and clearing at the same time. I could feel my lungs openin...

One Lovely Blog Award!

I received a delightful email the other day informing me that I was awarded a One Lovely Blog Award-- by Sheryl Karas who is a spiritual counselor, healer, organic flower essence aromatherapy perfume designer and artist . Thank you!, Sheryl and, in keeping with the tradition of the One Lovely Blog Award I'm posting the Rules of Blog Award Acceptance: 1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. 2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. So...White Witch Natural Perfumers Journal proudly passes the 'One Lovely Blog Award' on to (I've chosen almost all my favorite perfume blogs). Sorcery of Scent Little Flowers Roxana Illuminated Perfume GreenMe Liz Zorn Perfumes Smelly Blog Oh True Apothecary The Aromaconnection Blog Tea Sympathy and Perfume Inner Ki Journal Memory and De...