1kg agarwood sells for up to $5,000 USD! According to Steffen Arctander true agarwood has been known for several thousand years and its use is possibly as old as that of sandalwood. He describes agarwood essential oil as a pale yellow to brownish yellow or dark amber color; a viscous liquid of rich and sweet-woody, almost balsamic odor with a sweetness similar to that of sandalwood oil. Pearl of the Forest Agarwood is the most expensive wood in the world, with 1kg fetching up to $5,000 USD! It is also known as Oud (can be spelled Oudh), Aloes wood (more a generic name for fragrant woods in India) and Wood of the Gods. The tree is found growing in India and parts of China, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand. The fragrant wood is formed as a result of the trees' immune response to a fungal infection. As a response the tree produces an oleo resin which stops the growth of the fungus. This resin changes the color of the wood from light to dark brown or even black. The rest...
A blog about natural perfume and happenings of a natural perfumer and her life. Blending natural essences, new discoveries, new and beautiful smells. The seasons, moods, life and love.