I received a gift yesterday that blew me away totally. A Bottle of Molecules 01 : I have never smelled anything like this. EVER! My first impression was cedarwood. A beautiful cedarwood too, it reminded me of a Lebanese cedarwood perfumery essence that I have. It's dark, deep and incredibly velvety. But then I realised that I wasn't smelling a perfume per se, because normally cedarwood is a middle to base note and doesn't come through immediately after applying a perfume and more importantly, at that moment when I expected to smell a different note, what I was smelling simply wasn't there anymore. It did a vanishing act. I became rather perplexed and very curious. Twenty minutes later I felt as though I was sitting in a cedarwood forest on a warm sunny day. Wow! The perfume seemed to be all around me rather than on me. When I smelled my skin I had to bury my nose before I got the delicious warm clean scent that reminded me of rain on skin. How incred...
A blog about natural perfume and happenings of a natural perfumer and her life. Blending natural essences, new discoveries, new and beautiful smells. The seasons, moods, life and love.